Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Funny Video of David Beckham

I found this video on you tube and it's really funny, so check it out. Also, I watched the football game tonight and the celebs came out like a drone of bees! Jennifer Love Hewitt, The Governator, Katie, Eva Parker, and many more. The individual that was in the boxes up top really shocked me, because the talks between the Lakers and Timberwolves had supposedly died, well I beg to differ. I may be wrong, but why in the hell would K.G. come all the way from Minnesota to watch Becks, did he even know him before he came to the states? I have to admit the media frenzy was over-hyped. It's really funny, because it's nothing knew to David, so he probably finds it comical. The whole Beckham cam that watched every move and breath David took was very much over the top! Drew Carey really is a fan, he has season tickets to the L.A. Galaxy every year, so it wasn't anything special, he was more interested in what was going on down below than talking with some inside reporter.

Please stop judging Posh and Becks, I know she seems a little snooty and private, but I don't blame her. The media coverage over here is a lot different than Europe. They were the Brangelina of England, so to come to the city of angels, you have to be guarded. The happy couple have a lot of charities that they support, really support! They're not fronting like most celebs do, red carpet appearances, paint the town blue, and head to the hills. I always give props to celebs that are helping out our children. So keep up the good work, Becks!

1 comment:

Maria said...

thats a great find of david, if you want to see more funny videos check out my blog, maybe we can trade links too my address is