Saturday, August 11, 2007

Priest Accused Of Jogging Nude

Reverend Robert Whipkey, a Catholic priest facing an indecent exposure charge after police said he went jogging in the nude about an hour before sunrise was placed on administrative leave Thursday. He told officers he sweats profusely if he wears clothing while jogging. "I'm a heavy man, and wearing clothing while running makes me sweat profusely." The Archdiocese of Denver said Whipkey previously was investigated for "inappropriate personal behavior" more than eight years ago when he was the pastor of St. Anthony's Parish in Sterling, Colo. Whipkey allegedly gave nude "sex talks" to 11-year-old boys while on a three-day camping trip. No charges were filed for this incident but the he did enter into therapy!!! I mean why is this man still preach God's word, this is ridiculous!!! If he is convicted he will have to register as a sex offender which, in my opinion he should have been labeled that 8 years ago.

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