Political observers in some of America’s Western states have been floating the idea of an Obama-Richardson ticket since well before Barack Obama announced his candidacy for President.
Of course, most of them were projecting—and hoping--that the ticket would be Richardson-Obama. Despite his Washington experience and wide-ranging resume, however, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson quickly saw his presidential campaign overshadowed and overwhelmed by Hillary Clinton’s and Barack Obama’s high-profile battle.
The primary season finally will drag to an end in June, and then it will be up to the delegates and superdelegates to pick the Democrats’ standard bearer. Likewise, it will be up to the candidates and their campaign staffs to not alienate voters by endlessly playing “gotcha” politics with each other in the long, weary weeks until the Democratic convention in Denver, Aug. 25-28.
Most pundits predict that Senators Clinton and Obama will end up roughly splitting the remaining primary delegates, and no clear nominee will emerge in June. This projected stalemate already has resulted in some Obama supporters demanding that Hillary Clinton drop out of the race. And some Hillary Clinton supporters have responded by demanding that Barack Obama drop out.
Alarmed party leaders now worry that nasty rounds of charge and countercharge from the Clinton and Obama campaigns will alienate many voters and drive them toward John McCain or cause them to just stay home during the November general election.
Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen has suggested that the Democrats should stage a “superdelegate primary” in June to break the Obama-Clinton deadlock, so one candidate can emerge with clear sailing and avoid a bitter showdown at the convention. Party leaders including Gov. Howard Dean and Sen. Harry Reid recently were considering this and other strategies for ending the potential impass.
No matter which one finally gets the go-ahead, however, international credentials will be absolutely crucial to the next Administration. Barack Obama is a political rookie on the world stage. As a former First Lady, Hillary Clinton has been a lot closer to the action. Yet, much of her experience can be summarized as flying around in White House jets and dealing at ceremonial and informal levels with a wide range of major and minor issues. That counts for something, of course, and could shorten her learning curve in the Oval Office. Yet neither Democratic candidate actually has the kind of down-and-dirty international experience they will need to cope with the diplomatic and military disasters the Bush Administration will leave behind next January.
Former U.S. Energy Secretary and U.N. Ambassador Bill Richardson could be an excellent Vice President for either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton. He has been an able negotiator during dangerous situations in North Korea, Iraq and Cuba. But so could one other former Presidential candidate who has been a strong background player in this election: Retired four-star Gen. Wesley K. Clark, who was NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe from 1997 to 2000. Clark has extensive combat experience and held numerous command posts during his 34-year Army career. The next President may well need someone with this wide range of experience to help oversee getting the U.S. out of Iraq.
Indeed, Richardson and Clark likely will both be needed in some major capacity by the next Administration, even if the next President turns out to be John McCain.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Obama-Richardson: Will They Be the Democratic Ticket?
Posted by
Si Dunn
9:30 AM
Labels: Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Bush Administration, Democratic Convention, George W. Bush, Gov. Phil Bredesen, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, John McCain, Wesley K. Clark
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Video of the Day
Wow, they're really giving Obamagirl a run for her money!!! The singing is horrid and they all look so damn tacky! It's still funny as hell that someone would even upload this mess! Sorry for all the damn exclamations, but seriously! lol
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
11:44 PM
Labels: video of the day
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Congratulations Girl!!!
It's about damn time that Angela gets her just due! Mrs. Bassett received a star on the "Walk of Fame" on Thursday. I've been a fan since her performance in the biopic " What's Love Got To Do With It" in 1993. I think most will agree that she should have won the Oscar. She's currently starring in the Tyler Perry drama/comedy " Meet the Browns" that premiered on Friday. Tyler Perry is featured on Yahoo for his box-office gross over the last few years. I think a nomination for " Akeelah and the Bee" would've been nice as well, just my two pennies!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
4:46 PM
Labels: angela bassett, hollywood
Will The Sun Be Sued?
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
4:36 PM
Labels: Lindsay Lohan
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Iraq: The American Surge...Toward Indifference
Once again, the Bush Administration’s Middle East political theater group has taken to the stage. It has struck its well-rehearsed poses and emoted its newest “We will prevail!” proclamations.
However, these latest performances almost could be likened to a Mel Brooks comedy, with various spokespersons singing, in chorus: “It’s springtime for bin Laden and Ahmadinejad!”
First, there was Vice President Cheney in Baghdad—again—for the (100th?) obligatory handshake photo with Nuri al-Maliki, then briefly—albeit bravely--venturing a short distance outside the Green Zone for “private discussions” over a well-guarded meal.
Then, President Bush went to the Pentagon, his own personal Green Zone, and declared that winding down his immensely unpopular war would show “evidence of weakness and lack of resolve.”
And John McCain, the man who would be Bush if elected this fall, met with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and declared: “We are now succeeding in Iraq.”
The looming problem for the Administration, of course, is that almost nobody is paying attention to these political skits anymore. The crowd mostly has surged home, numb to any more exhortations and proclamations about “victory” and “staying the course.”
That giant sucking noise the Bush White House now should be hearing is the sound of Americans increasingly growing indifferent toward the war as they hunker down to try to save their households, their jobs, their health insurance, their life savings, their lifestyles and their college funds for their children and grandchildren.
You don’t have to ask: What is the sound of one hand cashing a 401(K) withdrawal check…while the other hand is selling off the family jewels on eBay? It’s now happening all around you, and maybe to you, too.
Yes, Osama bin Laden may be hiding in the hills of Tora Bora; he may be ensconced in an apartment in Islamabad; he may be delivering pizzas in disguise in Cincinnati . (If we knew, maybe we could just sic him with a Hellfire missile and declare victory.)
But bin Laden doesn’t have a bad mortgage or a five-miles-per-$5-a-gallon Hummer. He doesn’t have grown children who no longer can afford to live on their own and have started moving back home or appealing to Dad and Mom for more financial aid. He also doesn’t have neighbors falling into foreclosure on each side of his cave--or condo--and burning down their homes or killing themselves out of desperation.
A recent CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll found that 71% of Americans now believe spending on the Iraq War is hurting the troubled U.S. economy. The poll also found that only 32 percent of American continue to support the war, while 66 percent now oppose it.
In a CBS News poll taken near the fifth anniversary of the Iraq invasion, 64 percent of respondents answered that the Iraq War has not been worth the cost in blood and treasure. And another CBS News poll has tabulated that three out of four Americans now rate the national economy as at least somewhat bad.
Here is one other painful statistic: The price of oil has more than quadrupled since two particular ex-oilmen took office in 2001.
George Bush and Dick Cheney likely will have their unfocused and unwinnable Global War on Terror for at least a few more months. But most of us will be paying scant attention. We are now engaged in our own desperate battles: for personal economic survival.
Posted by
Si Dunn
11:48 AM
Labels: Ahmadinejad, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, iraq, Nuri al-Maliki, Osama bin Laden, price of oil, recession, U.S. economy, war on terror
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Heather Mills is a Piece of Work
The saga of the divorce between Heather Mills and Paul McCartney is finally nearing a conclusion. This week, the judge and jury determined a dollar amount that Heather would receive for her short four year marriage to Paul. And it ends up being no chunk change - $48 million dollars! That works out to $33,800 per DAY of their marriage. There aren't too many jobs out there where you can earn that much...legally anyway.
So she gets the huge sum and then what does she do? Heather pours water over the head of Paul's lawyer, Fiona Shacklefort.
This is the before heading in to court picture and the one on the right is the after. She obviously had a bunch of water, not just a small glass.
What on earth would make a grown woman have such a tantrum - in a public place, no less - and dump water over another in such a childish manner? Heather said it was because Fiona called her a bunch of names before she met her. Hmmmm....
I think the judge is probably more on target...he said Heather was devoid of reality. Ouch.
Posted by
7:19 PM
Labels: heather mills, Paul mccartney
Thursday, March 13, 2008
John Daly: Failed Again
Posted by
12:27 PM
Labels: John Daly, PGA, sports scandals
Video of the Day
I just want to say thank you to Tina, Cherri, and Si for keeping the sight afloat. I've been really going through it, but with the help of these awesome writers, All Things Scorpia has still been successful. I appreciate the dedicated readers as well. Hopefully, I can post more often in the near future.
" Ken Lee" is my favorite song by Mariah Carey! lol
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
11:51 AM
Labels: video of the day
Of Lust, Stupidity and Testosterone Suicide
Lust can be instantly fatal to your political career, as now-resigned New York Governor Eliot Spitzer has discovered. So can acts of incredible stupidity. Score a big one there for Spitzer, as well. He scheduled one of his high-dollar hooker trysts on the night before Valentine’s Day.
To his credit, at least Eliot Spitzer did not try to claim he was conducting a secret, undercover investigation under the covers at several hotels.
Former President Bill Clinton still remains America’s all-time champion bonehead, of course. He presided over strong prosperity and a balanced budget, then got hauled into Congressional impeachment hearings for playing tawdry tiddlywinks with a 22-year-old unpaid intern, Monica Lewinsky, inside the supposed sanctity of the White House.
President Clinton’s testimony to the effect that “I did not have sexual relations with that woman… (she merely had sex with me)” will long linger as an idiotic stain on what could have been a much grander legacy. Ms. Lewinsky, meanwhile, went on to sell handbags and have a brief TV career. More recently, she earned a master’s degree in social psychology from the prestigious London School of Economics.
In Spitzer’s case, a key to his downfall turned out to be a 22-year-old prostitute from New Jersey who was trying to earn enough money to stay in New York and make it as a rhythm-and-blues singer. By making it in a different way, of course, the infamous “Kristen” now likely will get a recording deal, as well as a book contract and movie offers. Entertainment moguls and publishers are quick to see the dollar signs where others just see sin and shame. (And, yes, we’ll probably buy her recordings, read her book, watch the made-for-TV movie and tune in once she starts showing up on Oprah and the late-night TV talk shows.)
Spitzer himself will go away in disgrace for a while and likely will face a ton of legal, family and marital troubles. Eventually, however, he may be back with his own tell-all, confess-all book, plus a movie deal and TV talk-show appearances—though probably not a recording contract.
Put lust and stupidity together, and you have dramatic downfalls stretching back through the entire history of human leadership. Senators, televangelists, judges, police chiefs, sheriffs, mayors, prosecuting attorneys, ministers, priests, star athletes—the list goes on and on.
Yeah, we men supposedly have been in charge during most of that time. And too often, we do a few great and noble things along the way, and then, seemingly at the peak of success, wake up one morning and can’t get our brains out of our boxer shorts.
Is social and political self-destruction somehow hardwired into our testosterone? Perhaps astute researchers can read all of the tell-all books and watch all of the tell-all movies and talk-show appearances and draw some scholarly conclusions.
Or maybe, we can just start putting more women into high office and see if they get caught with any boy toys.
Posted by
Si Dunn
9:41 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Elizabeth Smart: Five Years Later
Posted by
12:54 PM
Monday, March 10, 2008
Jessica Simpson is a Piece of Work
Until the little report comes out from those handling her 'accommodations.' It seems Jess is pulling a little of her inner diva out. This is what is really happening...
She is traveling with an entourage that costs the government:
$20,000 per DAY for a stylist
First class airline tickets
First class hotel accommodations...not staying in the barracks
Oh wait - where is Tony Romo? He's on vacation, isn't he? Why didn't he go to support the troops?
Anyway, Jess' rep denies the absurd allegations and claims the star is roughing it. Yeah, roughing it. This is what anyone would wear in a war zone in the desert...Kevlar vests and Daisy Dukes with full makeup on.
Posted by
9:25 PM
Friday, March 7, 2008
Brett Favre Reign Ends
It's been a sad week in Green Bay. After a few false reports during the past two years, the true one came out this week. Brett Favre announced he is retiring from the NFL after 17 years.
Brett set all kinds of records during his reign with the pigskin, namely a starting streak that goes back 275 games (starting in 1992!). He also has a touchdown pass record of 442, which surpasses Dan Marino's record of 421. Then there is the other records, like passing yards, number of pass completions and wins.
How will Green Bay replace him? Not only with a starting QB, but an icon for the city of Green Bay. In this day and age, it is rare that a quarterback can stay in one city for three or fours years, let alone 17! And have mostly positive seasons. AND go out very popular. And at the top of his game. The list of insurmountables goes on and on for Green Bay.
But, like anything else, Brett Favre has class. He made his decision and announcement well beyond the draft and trade deadlines, allowing Green Bay plenty of time to look for a suitable replacement. Except replacement isn't possible, not for a player with as much class as Brett Favre.
Watch his emotional retirement announcement. Tell me this man does not love the game...
Posted by
11:32 AM
Labels: Brett Favre retires
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Fleeing McCain and ‘More of the Same’?
An angry registered Republican told me this the day after the Texas primary gave John McCain clear sailing to the GOP nomination: “If McCain is elected President, I may move to Canada. He’ll just bring four more years of the same. We can’t afford that.”
He was particularly outraged that McCain had gone straight to the White House the day after the Texas primary and gotten George W’s praises and blessings, rather than distancing himself from Bush’s deeply unpopular Administration.
The Republican, a young, pro-life Internet technician, admitted he had crossed party lines and voted for Barack Obama despite the Illinois Senator’s limited and liberal voting record. “His speeches inspire me,” he said. “Have you listened to how well he speaks? How positive his messages are? I think he can bring Americans together and get us moving forward again. I’m just sick and mad about what has happened to my party under George Bush.”
A day before the Texas primary, I had another unexpected encounter with an upset Republican. I was in a bank, making some changes to one of my accounts. When the process was completed, the banker looked at me and asked very quietly: “Have you voted yet?” (In Texas, as well as some other states, registered voters can go the polls starting more than a week before the official primary or general election day.) After I nodded yes, something odd happened. The banker pressed me with another question, trying (without being too impolite) to find out how I had voted.
“I voted for change,” I told her, leaving her to guess whether I had supported Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.
She smiled. “I voted for Bush twice. But this time, I voted for change, too,” she admitted quietly. “And experience.”
“That’s code for ‘Hillary,'” I said.
She nodded. “In our bank meetings, we keep saying things are going to have to change soon. We can’t afford what’s happening to the economy, and neither can our customers.”
While her candor and vote pleased me, it also struck me as odd that a banker would reveal this much during a penny ante transaction. The big picture, however, quickly came clear after I got home and did a little Web surfing. Many economists increasingly are worried that the current recession may trigger a wave of bank failures that would rival the savings and loan meltdown of 1989.
For example, CNNMoney.com reported: “The banks most at risk for failure are generally smaller ones, not the huge global banks hit by billions in writedowns from subprime mortgage problems.” The small banks, CNNMoney pointed out, “are big players in the business of construction loans made to homebuilders—loans that were backed by new homes now worth a fraction of the original estimated value.”
I had just driven home from a small bank in a small city where new housing construction has boomed for several years but recently has slowed to a standstill. With the economy very much on her mind, my worried banker had crossed party lines and voted for her number-one issue, her pocketbook and her job.
Now that the price of gasoline is pushing quickly toward $4 or more a gallon and the endless Iraq War is still staggering forward on mountains of borrowed cash, America is tilting toward economic disaster. And average citizens in the heartland are both feeling it and fearing it.
Bold new leadership is needed now. But now can’t start happening until next January, when a Democrat, chosen by voters from both parties, takes the oath of office.
Yes, we will need words that inspire us. And we will need experienced leadership that can help pull us together quickly and show us how to make sacrifices for the common good: our survival.
We will need both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in the White House in January, 2009.
Posted by
Si Dunn
7:46 AM
Labels: bank failures, Barack Obama, construction loans, democrats, economy, experience, gasoline, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, iraq, John McCain, leadership, Republicans, Texas primary
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Hillary Clinton Pulls One Out...

Posted by
1:19 PM
Labels: Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, John McCain
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Is It Contagious? Reese Witherspoon's News

Posted by
5:05 PM
Labels: Goodwill ambassadors, Reese Witherspoon, United Nations
Monday, March 3, 2008
A Star Worth Noting: Drew Barrymore
Posted by
12:30 PM