It seems as if Hilary has lost some steam! She fell shortly after Sen. Edwards in Iowa, which tells me that having her husband, former president Clinton by her side everywhere she goes, doesn't sit well with women all over this country and it's probably sickening for the men. Please don't miss understand what I'm writing, I like Hilary and some of her views about what this country needs to be in the near future. She just comes off as a real insecure or very dependent person! I think Clinton was a great president, we definitely weren't dealing with all these messes from the current administration, but still it's not new thoughts. She'll have her husband's initiatives and values when it comes to politics. I'm still undecided with who I'll vote for, but Obama is looking real good right now. I'll continue to watch the debates and read up on every candidate, because like I said, the best person for the job could be Republican, Democrat, Independent, Green or whatever else is out there.
Huckabee hanging with Chuck Norris and playing bass with Mama Kicks must have persuaded a few Walker fans! He's been the talk on the View just about everyday. Remember when Clinton played the Saxophone, everyone deemed him the Black president, which I never understood. So Mike is coming off real cool to the young people. Huckabee is headed to New Hampshire with the rest of the crew, but with little money and already behind in the polls there. So we'll just have to see what happens! Will Clinton get out of her 3rd place rut? Will Obama continue to gain voters and win NH as well? Will Mitt Romney ever shut-up? Will Giuliani admit he's a womanizer? I think that's enough questions for now.
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