The Jolie-Pitt clan took Venice by storm this week to support Papa Pitt! He showcased his new movie, The Assassination of Jesse James, which hasn't been receiving great reviews. The film also stars Casey Afflek and Sam Shepard, who are really good actors and should bring the film some substance. On the red carpet Brad wore a white tuxedo and Angelina was draped in 2 million dollars worth of Bulgari duds! Brad spoke to Italian state t.v. and when asked was he and Jolie ready to add to the darling brood he answered, " yes, we're ready"! Good lord B and A take a little time off from the baby making, since I'm assuming it will be Angelina that will provide the added addition. Well, good luck you to and can you please put the darn kids down. You're going to need a hip-replacement before you turn 50!!
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