Good Morning to all my readers! I usually don't post about racial issues on this blog, unless it has to do with a big time controversy such as the Jena 6 event, notice I said an event, because the only time it becomes a major headline is when you have Politicians, Activists, and other high-profile individuals that come forth to defend the lives of people in that community.
Today, I'm compelled to speak out. I was listening to the local radio Hip-Hop show here in Houston, TX. Jason Whitlock, sports writer for the Kansas City Star blames hip-hop for the death of Sean Taylor. I beg to differ, jealousy and greed was behind that tragic crime. Yes, he did grow up in a community where sports existed to get out of the " hood" and a life of crime was a way of survival. Sean left his community behind, but not his fears and concerns of those who were once around him as a kid. Hip-Hop can't be the blame for every crime that involves a person of African descent in this country. Music in general is becoming more violent, over-hyped, and down right degrading. I want to point out a song from a different genre that involves crime against a person. Carrie Underwood has a song called " Before He Cheats" that talks about slashing the tires of her cheating boyfriend and taking a Louisville slugger to the headlights. Now in my opinion, that's not appropriate behavior for anyone. Yea it has a great beat and her voice is amazing, but the lyrics are very violent! I'm not making this a Black and White issue, it's about pointing out violence within a song. I'm sure Carrie was raised in a loving, Christian home, but somewhere along the line she discovered ways to punish her man if he doesn't act right. People get it mixed up, I know a lot of people of all races who were raised in those same type of homes, but outside variables factored in their life of crime. We all know what's right and wrong, but it's up to us to make wiser decisions on how to handle a situation. Most of the serial killers in this country have been educated and privileged. So what's the reason for their crimes? Do we blame heavy metal lyrics? Jimmy Hendrix was loved by all races, but his song " Hey Joe" was a song about Joe shooting his old lady and then going down to Mexico to escape. So it's up to you if shooting your old lady is the best way to solve her cheating on you with another man.
The bottom line is that crime exists in all communities. It's more prevalent in the Black communities most definitely, but that doesn't mean that music has to be the blame for all our crimes. Whitlock asked the question, " Does a Soulja Boy want an education?" Obviously Jason hasn't been paying attention, a lot of people in this country love that song! The most educated people have listened and danced to it. I guess he didn't watch the American Music Awards, Kimmel put Soulja Boy on a national stage. Now we can assume that it's because he loves the beat and enjoys the rhymes, but there will be people that say Jimmy was merely making fun of the Black community. I really don't listen to a lot of today's hip-hop, but that's my preference. I don't let my child listen to it, because sex and drugs are not something I want him to think is cool, but at the end of the day if he wants to partake in those behaviors then he will! We are in a generation of text messaging, Myspace, Paris look-a-likes , and the idea that having a million dollar home and a dubbed out car is the epitome of success.
In conclusion, Sean Taylor's death was committed by an individual that didn't want to get out of a life of crime, jealousy and greed took control of his respect for others. It's very sad what happened, but lets not make music as an excuse. How about celebrities in the entertainment industry go back to the " hood", educate and start funding some programs that will give these people some self-worth. Let them know that Soulja Boys can have an education! It's easy to look at things from a negative perspective when you're sitting in a leather recliner chilling by the fireplace in your nice home.
Two men and two juveniles have been arrested in connection with the death of Taylor. Their intent was not to kill, but to steal. Apparently, they didn't expect anyone to be home, but Taylor was home due to a knee injury. I knew it wasn't going to take long before someone starts talking, because you know they bragged to some friends. The police sure know how to hold out on the info, at first everyone thought it was one suspect, that's why they were so adamant to say it was a burglary. The intent is to charge them with burglary and murder! I will definitely keep you posted.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Is Hip-Hop to Blame for Sean Taylor's Death?
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
7:52 AM
Labels: crime, hip-hop, music, sean taylor
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Video of the Day
I just have one question, is this clip worse than Sheri thinking the world is flat? Kelly Pickler is truly an American Idol!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
9:27 PM
Labels: video of the day
Player Shout-Out
Lebron James is putting up some ridunculous stats this season. He already has four triple-doubles, but the "king" needs more than that! The Cavaliers still don't have any consistent perimeter shooters. Basically, Lebron James is the lone man out on the floor and management better make some moves soon. Unfortunately, Varejao won't be apart of the action this season. In my opinion, he was asking for to much. He is a good player, certainly not worth the upgrade he was looking for. So cheers to you Lebron for carrying the team on your shoulders!
Well I'll be damned, Lebron sprained his index finger during the first half of the Detroit game tonight. He returned to the bench suited up with his fingers wrapped. The Cavs lost, final score was 74-109! James is the number one offensive player in the league with an avg. of 31.7 points per game. I can only hope he heals up and gets the monkeys back on his shoulders.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
8:30 PM
Dancing with the Stars is Still Brewing with Drama!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
6:49 PM
Labels: DWTS, television
What's Your Opinion?
I wasn't sure about the title of this post. I've backspaced so many damn times it's not even funny! I know it's sexy and expressive, but why do celebrity women pose naked on a magazine? I'm a mother and to me, exposing your pregnant belly is not a way to gain respect. In my opinion, it's an intimate delight that should be kept between mother and father. In the 90's Demi Moore did it and lets not forget Britney Spears a couple of years ago. I just don't see the point, maybe I'm just old-fashioned. Halle Berry will probably be the next hot celeb to expose their belly for the world to see. I mean don't get me wrong, a cute little Pea in the Pod outfit with a little belly exposure isn't that boo! It's the nakedness I have a problem with. Oh well keep up the good work ladies, I'm sure your boy or girl will be very proud. OMG, I just had a Marie Osmond moment, reports are surfacing that Britney is preggers with her third child! Please let this be one of those out there rumors that came from the mouth of a stoned party goer that met Brit in the hallway!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
5:44 PM
Labels: britney, celebrities, christina aguilera, health
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Safety for Redskins Dies in the Hospital After a Shooting
The NFL is mourning one of their star athletes today. Sean Taylor, a safety for the Washington Redskins died on Tuesday morning at Jackson Memorial Hospital. Taylor and his girlfriend had been victims of a burglary or robbery, authorities aren't sure just yet. The only concrete information the police have is the girlfriend's accounts of the crime. She said that the couple were awakened by noises and Taylor armed himself with a machete. A suspect forced their way into the bedroom and fired two shots, one unclaimed! What's more shocking is that eight days prior to this event, someone had entered Taylor's home and ravaged through his drawers. The suspect left a knife on his bed, my guess as a warning.
Taylor is no stranger to crime and league fines. He entered the league in 2004 as the fifth overall draft pick and shortly after that, he fired his agent. He skipped the mandatory rookie symposium and was fined $25,000! Later in that season, he was driving home from a party and was pulled over by the cops. They charged Taylor with drunk driving. In 2005, he was accused of brandishing a gun at a man during a fight. He pleaded no contest and received 18 months of probation. In 2006 during the playoffs, Taylor was fined $17,000 for spitting in the face of Buccaneers running back, Michael Pittman. It's really unfortunate when past behaviors can't be suppressed once a player gets in the league, but Taylor showed great improvement after the birth of his child, Jackie. He was like the Barry Bonds of the NFL! He rarely gave interviews, small inner circle, played hard on the field, sometimes to hard. Sean Taylor went to the Pro Bowl in 2006 despite those behaviors, because of his hard-hitting tactics on the field.
I sincerely send my condolences to the Taylor family. I can only hope that police can attain more evidence in order to arrest the perpetrator. I will definitely keep you posted. In my non-expert opinion, the suspect is probably someone he knows.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
6:47 AM
Labels: crime, news, nfl, sean taylor
Monday, November 26, 2007
Barak Obama Inhaled, So What!
It's been a minute since I've posted anything political, so lets bring out the hats and bongs shall we! This video was made about a year ago when Obama first talked about his past drug use. Last Monday, Barak discussed his pass indiscretions with some high school students and of course he's coming under fire for doing so. In my opinion, Obama did the right thing! We're to busy trying to give this picture of perfection to our youths. Our kids aren't dumb nor blind, they listen to Pink and know about the current president's whiskey and Cocaine habit! I mean seriously, get the past out of the way! It's admirable of Rudy Guiliani to praise Barak for his honesty and I totally agree.
Barak is also looking to get some women voters from Mrs. Clinton. Ms. Oprah Winfrey will be on the campaign trail with the Illinois senator next month. Wow, what a platform he's going to have! Oprah can make 20 min segments just for Obama on her show everyday if she wants. We can only wait and see how Oprah's influence will help the former "420" member in his pursuit to the White House!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
9:23 PM
Labels: barak obama, clinton, news, oprah, politics
Dancing With the Stars Champion Is......
I wanted to watch the finals before blogging my prediction. First of all, Marie Osmond had to be on something more than caffeine! I mean she was a hot mess, blurting words out and dismissing the judges comments. I think her partner was a little taken back by her behavior. She kept saying how she's one of the top doll designers in the world and that's the motivation behind the hideous doll routine they performed.
My favorite couple Mel and Maks were a little disappointing! There has been reports leaking that some of the Spice Girls were a little irritated with Melanie's practice schedule and they fear she may not be able to perform at her best for the tour. Oh goodness, stop whining already and enjoy the publicity you're getting from her being on the show. The girls clearly don't need any promoting across the pond, their tickets sold out in 38 seconds! So their first dance was the cha-cha and it looked more like a blah-blah, real shit!! The freestyle to Timbaland's " The Way I Are" was better, but the live band completely ruined it for me. They would've done better playing the damn CD and getting on with it! I know there's a little aggression in my words, but it's so justified.
Helio was all dimples and jagged teeth! I saved him for last, because I feel he'll be the last man standing. He will hold up that cheap, glittered disco ball that helps to catapult ones career and give us one last Colgate smile before heading to the race tracks!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
8:51 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Video of the Day
OMG is all I can say!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
8:29 PM
Labels: video of the day
The Bachelor and DWTS

I was going to write about the Bachelor, but it doesn't make sense to waste my writing energy on an idiot. Mel B and Maks should totally win DWTS, I mean seriously! Their chemistry is just undeniable and so fun to watch. I've never been so excited to watch a show, except for my beloved O.C.! Anywho, because that topic brings out so many emotions. Tonight is the results show and if Marie Osmond is still standing and not under those hot red lights, I'm going to throw my television against the wall! The last statement was so false, but the thought did cross my mind. My fingers are crossed and the right eyebrow is raised, so it better be good! Is it just me or does Mel and Maks make a hot couple?
I have a little energy left so let me just make a brief statement on the Bachelor. Brad Womack was a good-looking, funny, country, bar-owner that was in search of his partner in life, at least that's the bait from ABC. I watched the show mostly all season and my money had always been on DeAnna. She was beautiful, smart, funny, independent, and all the qualities that Mr. Womack was supposedly looking for. Last night, I was glued to the tube and elated when he sent bubbly Jenni on her way. I just new that DeAnna was the one and then he gets all choked up and punks out!! I will never watch the Bachelor again! I can't wait until the special tonight, where they can rip in to his a**! The next Bachelorette will be.....
"After the Final Rose" show last night was real good and Brad came off as a real jerk. I don't by the whole notion of not being in love justifies him walking away. I've seen other seasons where the man said, hey lets spend time together and see where we go from here. I'm like DeAnna, how could he just send her back home broken-hearted. I think the revelation of the studio flying DeAnna's dad spoke volumes. Brad said he wanted to ask permission from her father. Well, at the end of their segment when she said goodbye, he told her that she'll never know how much he misses her. Oh Brad please, just say that having 25 women drooling over you was a great way to get publicity and gain investors for that huge luxury hotel you're developing!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
8:01 PM
Labels: ABC, bachelor, celebrity, DWTS, television
Lil Romeo Will Play College Ball for USC

Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
7:46 PM
Californication Rip-Off
Wow, this is not a shocker! The Red Hot Chili Peppers are suing Showtime Networks over the name of their series, Californication which stars X Files star, David Duchovny. The series is the same name of the band's 1999 album which was widely successful. In my opinion, I agree with the band! I totally thought that the Red Hot Chili Peppers was involved with the show or was going to perform the intro or something in relation to that album. The band says that the show is, " inherently distinctive". Also to be noted is that one of the characters in the show is named "Dani California", which we all know is the popular song that was released in 2006. I will definitely keep you posted on this story.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
7:12 PM
Mary-Kate Olsen in the Hospital
Mary-Kate Olsen was admitted to a Manhattan hospital today for a kidney infection. Her publicist, Nicole Caruso stated that the Full House alum will be released in a day or two. I hope she has a speedy recovery. Do you believe this story?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Video of the Day
I just had to make Esthero's "We R In Need of a Musical Revolution" the vid of the day. She's not mainstream, but this artist definitely should be! Here's the lyrics just in case your feet start tapping and you want to sing-a-long!
I'm so sick and tired
Of the shit on the radio
And MTV, they only play the same thing
No matter where I go
I see ashanti in the video
I want some thing more
We are in need of
A musical revolution
We are in need of
How can you make your way through the world today
When everybody is so angry
And what we hear affects our hearts
There's got to be a better way to communicate
So show your love not hate
We are in need of
A musical revolution
We're so tired of the same old
We are in need of
Some spiritual evolution
We're so tired of the same old
We are in need of love
We are in need of love
I'm calling, calling
I'm calling out, I'm calling you
I'm calling out
Doesn't anybody wanna do
Something new
I'm calling, calling, calling...
I'm so sick and tired
Of the shit on the radio
I'm calling all creators in the movement
It's time to offer a solution
To the dilution of what we love
And the greats would be so disappointed
Cause we've sold our souls for what we don't own anymore
We are in need of
Let's start a musical revolution
We're so tired of the same old
We are in need of some lyrical evolution
We're so tired of the same old, same old
I'm so sick and tired
Of the shit on the radio
And MTV, they only play the same thing
No matter where I go
I see ashanti in the video
I want some thing
'Cause I'm so sick and tired
Of the shit on the radio
And MTV, they only play the same thing
No matter where I go
I see Britney on my video screen
I want something more
Let's start a musical revolution
Something more
Let's start a musical revolution
Tell me why
A grown man can rape a little girl but we
Still hear his shit on the radio
A grown-ass man can videotape a little girl but we
Still see his mug up on our video screens
I want something more
I want something.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
11:37 PM
Labels: video of the day
Federal Grand Jury Indicts Barry Bonds
Barry "big head" Bonds was indicted today on perjury and obstruction of justice charges! The charges have been long overdue in my opinion. Why did it take four years of tax payers money to bring Bonds down? I have an opinion, lets make all the dinero we can and then once the record is broken, we can string his butt up and hang him! Hey, honesty is the best key. I know that being arrogant and dominant can get you far in life sometimes, but he was just plain stupid!! Giambi talked like a crazy teen on a cell phone. Bonds was offered immunity during his testimony in the BALCO case, if he didn't commit perjury. It's amazing how powerful people feel invincible or untouchable. For example, Clinton never had sexual relations with Monica and Pete Rose never bet on baseball. I think once the evidence is presented, Barry will sit in jail for years or sing like a bird to be free. Remember Barry, " there's no crying in baseball!"
Amy Winehouse Booed at Concert!

Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
5:59 PM
Labels: amy winehouse, music
NBA News
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
6:37 AM
Dragonball at a Theatre Near You

Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
6:01 AM
Labels: celebrities, dragonball, hollywood, movies
Monday, November 12, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Kanye West's Mother Dies in LA Hospital
Live Your Life As If It Were Your Last.....
Ms. Scorpia
New reports are surfacing that Kanye's mom died of complications stemming from a cosmetic surgical procedure.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
7:58 PM
Labels: celebrity, deceased, kanye west, los angeles
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Tyra and the Vagina Episode
I love Tyra, but sometimes she really gets on my nerves. Did she really think that she was giving all the women around the world who suffer from horrible cramps some new remedies? I mean seriously girl, most of us started the menstrual cycle in our pre-teen years, so we've tried everything!!! This clip comes from her Vagina Episode that came on this week. She also had a doctor on that displayed a stuffed vagina to explain where everything is located. Tyra said, " pee doesn't come from the hole where the baby comes out!"
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
12:33 PM
Labels: health, television, tyra, women
Sandra Oh Joins the Major Strike
I think by now people are aware that the writers' strike is in full force. The last time there was a big strike by writers was in 1988, the strike lasted from March 7- August 7. Wow, could you imagine 22 weeks without Letterman? I kind of understand the strike from an actor's point of view, they don't get any residuals from every download or video that is watched on the net, but damn technology is changing! Ellen's writers have put her on blast for still reporting to work. They wanted her to stand on the front line and support the Guild.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
8:28 AM
Labels: entertainment, hollywood, television
Bryant Family at Hannah Montana Concert
"Ko-baby" took the family to the Hannah Montana concert at the famed arena in Los Angeles on Wednesday. Natalia and Gianna look so beautiful, the oldest looks just like her dad. I wonder how much the tickets were for the Bryant family!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
8:10 AM
Labels: celebrity, hannah montana, kobe, music
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Video of the Day
I totally had to replace the video of the day with this creative cosby show remix feat. Soulja Boy!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
8:40 AM
Labels: video of the day
Finally! J.Lo Confirms
Wow! I'm so shocked that Jennifer Lopez is pregnant, I mean there was no reason to suspect that she is expecting. The star didn't reveal how many months she is, but looking at the photo, I'd say a good 7 months. I'm happy for her especially since her latest album, Brave seriously flopped. Congrats J.Lo and Mark!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
6:03 AM
Labels: celebrity, health, jennifer lopez, music
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
2 Days of Detention for 2 Hugs!!

Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
9:00 PM
Friday, November 2, 2007
For God's Sake, They're Bringing Back "Knight Rider"
As if you didn't need further evidence that Hollywood has run out of ideas ("The Bionic Woman," The Bratz movie, the Hot Wheels movie, so on and so forth), here comes the latest remake of an old TV show: "Knight Rider." Finally, an excuse to try to make that "whoosh" sound with your mouths again.
For those who weren't self-aware in the 80's, "Knight Rider" was a show about David Hasselhoff and his talking car. The show wasn't about much more than that. It was simply an excuse to show a black Trans Am driving really fast and jumping over stuff, with the help of a "Turbo Boost" button. Allegedly, they were supposed to be solving crimes on the show, but I never once saw David Hasselhoff fight anybody or do anything on the show that didn't involve showing his hairy chest and sleeping with women. He didn't even drive the car most of the time, because KITT was smarter than he was.
I personally believe that it was created solely to capitalize on the popularity of "The Dukes of Hazzard," which was a show about TWO guys in a Dodge Charger drove real fast and jumped over stuff. Whatever their intent was, it worked, because I was glued to my TV every week when Knight Rider came on. I enjoyed this show so much that I even watched "Turbo Teen" to get my "Knight Rider" fix, a cartoon about a kid that transformed into a talking car when he got wet.
Because the show was so deep and layered, and because there was such a demand for more Knight Rider after the failed "Knight Rider 2000," "Knight Rider 2010," and "Team Knight Rider" pilots, they've decided to bring it back. Hurrah for us. The lead role (the unnamed son of Michael Knight) is being filled by "All My Children" actor Justin Breuning. The abundance of testosterone in my body won't allow me to know who this person is. David Hasselhoff will be making appearances, because after all, nothing is as good as it could be if David Hasselhoff isn't in it, and this casting alone will make sure that the show has Germany's ever-crucial support.
Thanks to Hollywood's willingness to literally scrape the bottom of the barrel for ideas, we should go ahead and look forward to the following shows to be brought back: "The A-Team," "Airwolf," and "Nightboat, the Crime Solving Boat."
Posted by
Thad Ochocinco
1:00 PM
Labels: Knight Rider, shows, television, TV pilot