Angelina Jolie and Fran Drescher will team up to fight Cancer, both of the ladies have battled the disease in their personal lives. Angelina's mother died of Ovarian Cancer last year and Fran is a Uterine Cancer survivor. I've lost quite a few family members to this terrible disease and it's really great to see the continual support that is given to find a cure or at least an improvement of care to increase the survival rate. It's very important that as women we get our check-ups on time, this disease really doesn't care how old you are or what status you have in society. It has no names but many deaths, so remember that early detection means a greater chance of survival. Good Luck ladies with this wonderful venture!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Fran and Angelina Join Forces!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
7:08 PM
House for Sale!!
Paris Hilton makes news again...So she is putting her Hollywood Hills house for sale for 4.25 million dollars. The 1926 Spanish-style house went on the market on Friday and was described as "a very special celebrity owned home" by MLS, the multiple listing service that brokers and customers rely on for a first look at available properties. I am not sure why Paris is selling her house but I have heard of couple of rumors on the rumor mill. It seems that for one her neighbors hate her!!! I mean there was a paparazzi stakeout at her home when she was released and re-released from jail. ( That ought to cause some commotion) I also heard that the "hip" atmosphere is too much for the newly sober Hilton, and last but not least there is a claim that her grandpa just can't get over her sex tape and recent arrest so he took away her inheritance. What a bummer if the last is true!!! My thing is why can't trust fund babies just lead normal lives. I was talking to a co-worker today and I told her, "if my fam came into a whole lot of money, I would still go to medical school, still go to work, and lead a normal life." Just because I am a "celebrity and rich", I don't have to be apart of that world. If the last rumor is true it doesn't seem that Paris is too upset about her g-pa's decision since this week the 26-year-old heiress has been boasting about how she will earn £100 million this year from putting her famous name to everything from hair extensions to a stuffed version of her 'handbag dog' Tinkerbell. So I guess loosing all that free money won't hurt!!! Dang can I just $100,00 please! LOL!!
Signing off,
Posted by
3:23 PM
The War on PETA
Madeline Hatter, you done started something.
Madeline Hatter's a friend of mine who posted an article that she read about PETA that's got me all the way pissed off. I posted it in both of my blogs and someone else's blog. See, I used to think that PETA was just annoying. I mean, at heart, coming to the defense of animals is pretty admirable, and someone needed to do it. However, there is a line that PETA crossed long ago, pissed on, and are steadily moving light-years away from.
PETA has been in the news recently for picketing Michael Vick and anything that has to do with him. They picket the NFL offices and the Atlanta Falcons' training facilities for not suspending Vick without pay or cutting him outright. They called and bothered all the companies whose products Vick endorses. They came down to the courthouse for Vick's arraignment hearing and picketed. But Michael Vick hasn't been convicted of anything. When they started up, he hadn't even been indicted yet. Why are they hating?
Well, as it turns out, PETA is a bunch of hypocrites who kill animals on a far grander scale than any dog-fighting operation. In my last post, there's a link to a website,, that details pretty much everything you'd want to know about the REAL PETA. It talks about their links to organizations that the FBI has deemed "terrorist," it talks about how some of PETA's membership has advocated breaking the law to reach its goals, and it posts a statement from PETA's founder, Ingrid Newkirk, where she claims that even if animal research found a cure for AIDS, they still wouldn't support it.
Yeah, these are the lunatics we're dealing with here.
But, because the majority of us are actual, productive members of society (except me, because I've got the time to sit here and write this), we can't go out to everywhere that PETA is picketing and match them person for person, and dollar for dollar. Not without losing our jobs, anyway.
What we can do is this: At the PETA Kills Animals website, there is a link to sign an online petition to have PETA's tax exempt status revoked. I don't know if stuff like that actually works, and to be honest, I've never seen it work in the past. But it's something. Maybe the world will shock us and actually revoke their status. I don't know. But it's worth trying. Personally, I'm tired of people like this going out and throwing paint on people for wearing fur or burning down research labratories.
The link is at the bottom of this page.
Go to hell, PETA.
Posted by
Thad Ochocinco
1:19 PM
Video of the Day - Chocolate Rain
Signing off,
Posted by
12:58 PM
Labels: entertainment, video of the day
PETA Kills Far More Animals Than Michael Vick
Upon reading this, my blood pressure shot up a few points. As if I needed another reason to dislike the PETA people. They spend all their time pissing people off instead of going to work or championing a cause that someone capable of conscious thought would benefit from. If I know anyone personally who supports PETA or is a PETA member, you would do well to never let me find out about it, because we're going to argue and you're probably going to go home in tears.
Body Count For Animal "Rights" Group Reaches 14,479; Group Has Walk-In Freezer For Dead Puppies
WASHINGTON -- While People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) protests the National Football League today over Michael Vick's dog-fighting indictment, the animal "rights" group is ignoring its own sordid puppy-killing operation, the Center for Consumer Freedom said today. Public records released by the State of Virginia show that PETA itself has killed 14,479 dogs and cats since 1998, including 90 percent of the animals it took in for "adoption" in 2005. And PETA is presently more than 3 months overdue to report its 2007 numbers."
It's astonishing but true," said Center for Consumer Freedom Director of Research David Martosko. "PETA itself kills helpless, adoptable animals by the thousands out of sheer inconvenience. Why anyone continues to take this bunch of hypocrites seriously is beyond me."
Documents relating to PETA's massive animal-killing program can be found on the Internet at In sworn testimony during the January 2007 animal-cruelty trial of two PETA employees, a PETA manager acknowledged that the organization has a walk-in freezer for the purpose of storing dead pets. She also acknowledged that PETA contracts with a Norfolk-area crematory service to dispose of the dead bodies, which measure over a ton each month.
Martosko continued: "PETA's president acknowledges that her group could 'become a no-kill shelter overnight.' But that would mean the group could no longer afford to spend millions of dollars on cheap publicity stunts, to say nothing of harassing pet food companies, restaurants, and medical researchers."
Another PETA employee faces grand larceny charges in southern Virginia, related to the alleged 2006 theft of a hunting dog and its radio-tracking collar. PETA has not yet indicated whether the dog in question was slated to be put to death.
Posted by
Thad Ochocinco
12:43 PM
Update on the Usher Wedding
Usher told Us Magazine exclusively why him and Tameka postponed the wedding. It wasn't baby daddy drama, pre-nup disagreements or the food selection. Usher says that Tameka had to be taken to the hospital, due to cramping and as a precaution she was admitted. The soon-to-be married couple decided to set the wedding at a later date. I'm not a fan of the rumor mill, I'd much rather have facts. That's why it's important to clarify information when they're available. I think Usher made a very good and responsible decision. Hopefully, Tameka's health will continue to be good and the wedding can move forward.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
11:05 AM
Taking a Stand: Cities Against Gangs
I read this story yesterday and I wasn't to sure if I would blog it...but after some careful consideration, I decided to go ahead a write. I am all against gangs and gang violence but suing these people might not be the greatest plan of action. Fort Worth and San Francisco are among the latest to file lawsuits against gang members, asking courts for injunctions barring them from hanging out together on street corners, in cars or anywhere else in certain areas. Herein lies the problem, what if me and a group of friends are just hanging out at the park, smoking a clove, and catching up, does that automatically mean that we are in a gang? How will authorities be able to decipher between young teens just hanging out and an actual gang? I am not sure if this tactic will really work, or for that matter if it is constitutional. Now if these prosecutors know exactly what gang and what person committed a certain crime, then I think it will be ok to proceed with lawsuits, but if they are just targeting people that look like they may be involved that isn't fair. Stereotypically that will be young black and hispanic males in America and for the record NOT ALL OF THESE KIDS ARE INVOLVED IN ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES!!! What do you think?
Signing off,
Posted by
10:40 AM
Monday, July 30, 2007
Brad and Gwyneth Renunite!
I hope this doesn't ruin Brangelina! Brad Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow who were once an item in the 90's are reuniting for a new political movie called Dirty Tricks. Like I said in a previous post, Brad will be working and Angelina will be feeding the kids and herself. I'm just kidding about this affecting their relationship, I just know that the gossip rags will have a field day with this one. Angelina, stay strong girlfriend and remember she's married! LOL
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
8:55 PM
Christina Cancels Shows in Melbourne
Mrs. Aguilera has fallen ill with the flu and canceled her two shows in Melbourne. She wasn't the only one who was feeling the blues, members of her crew were sick as well. She still hasn't made an official statement on her pregnancy, but as you can see it's definitely not the pants!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
8:45 PM
Labels: celebrity, christina aguilera, music
Video of the Day
This baby is to cute!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
8:40 PM
Labels: funny, video of the day
NBA Updates for 7/30
Boston get ready for the " Big Ticket"! Finally, Kevin Garnett is free from the Wolves. Although he preferred to be in LaLa land or Phoenix, Garnett saw the light and signed his name. On paper the team could be an instant contender, seriously! I know that K.G. and Ray Allen are a little beyond their prime, but they still have a few good years hopefully without injury. The Wolves did get a few good men; Al Jefferson, Theo Ratliff, Sebastian Telfair, Gerald Green and a draft pick were sent to the pack. The retail stores will have an overhaul of people come next week when the jerseys are released, finally Garnett will get the positive spotlight he deserves.
The Cleveland Cavaliers have slammed Ticketmaster Inc. with a lawsuit for allegedly being a monopoly and blocking their season ticket holders from selling and transferring their seats by using the Flash Seat system that is offered by the Cavs. I knew this was coming and I wouldn't be surprised if Stub Hub and Razor Gator are being sued next...
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
7:48 PM
Chief Justice Roberts Hospitalized
Chief Justice Roberts had a seizure on Monday, which caused him to fall at his home in Maine. He suffered minor scrapes and was taken to the local hospital to be treated and will be evaluated overnight. Thank God the seizure wasn't more severe, I have seizures and they can be very unpredictable! Currently he's not taking any anti-seizure medications, but I would definitely recommend it. He had a similar occurrence in 1993 and it was deemed " isolated". The scary part about seizures is most of the time there is no reasoning behind them, no neurological evidence that gives certainty to the doctors of why something is happening. Sometimes seizures can derive from head injuries, strokes, mental instability and many other causes, but most have no precursors. I hope he gets a clean bill of health and a prescription to return home.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
7:18 PM
Starbucks Raising Their Prices On July 31st!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
4:55 PM
Labels: news
Beckhams Bribe Couple to Have a Party?
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
8:58 AM
Labels: celebrity, david beckham, victoria beckham
R.I.P. Marvin Zindler
I know that a lot of people who read this blog aren't Houstonians, but I have to recognize one of the pioneers of our news. Marvin Zindler was diagnosed with inoperable Pancreatic cancer in July. Marvin was a very happy and eccentric man that was alive in the community, he loved helping kids and being an active citizen. He made the nightly news very entertaining with his " slime in the ice machine segments", which was quite informative. My grandmother met him at the Shriner's Burn Institute in Galveston, TX and said he was one of the most gracious and respectful men she had ever met. So thank you Marvin for your tireless efforts in the community and your genuine ability to keep us entertained! My condolences go out to the family and may you have peace through this tough time.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
8:44 AM
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Get Emergency Cash Without the Hassle!
The saying, "put some away for a rainy day" doesn't always help for bills that need to be paid in a moments notice. Your car may need a new engine and payday isn't until next Friday, so what will you do? I'm sure calling on family and friends is an option, but you've already called on them in the past. You're at a point where independence is necessary to take care of any given situation. Well, there is a way to keep your independence and get some emergency cash to pay for those unexpected events. Sometimes getting pay day loans can be a real pain, there's so many requirements before you can be approved.
I've gotten a loan before and they wanted the serial numbers of various products around the house, like my coffee pot. Seriously, it shouldn't be that hard to get money that you need fast. At there's no hassle and you have easy access to retrieve your cash. If you have a checking account, it's that easy to receives hundreds of dollars to take care of your needs. An added benefit is you get to choose your lender, whichever one suits your needs best. There's only 4 easy steps that need to be followed in order to get your money, so visit the site and get your emergency cash today!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
9:15 PM
Labels: sponsored review
Video of the Day
Why is that lady laughing at this poor girl?
Signing off,
Posted by
5:35 PM
Labels: funny, Theme Park
No Ike Turner Day in St. Louis
Mayor Francis Slay said that there will be no Ike Turner Day in St. Louis on September 2. Organizers of the Big Muddy Blues Festival requested this in honor of the star preforming for the festival. Turner, 75, says that he never requested the honor, I mean, " I already have a star on St. Louis' walk of fame!" WOW what an honor. (LOL) Admittedly, Turner, says that his career was damaged by the the autobiographical movie, Whats Love Got to do With it, he holds no grudges. All I can say, and I would say this only to her (Tina Turner), is `I'm sorry,'" he told The St. Louis Post-Dispatch in Sunday's edition. "But I can't undo yesterday. I don't owe anybody else that." Sorry Ike!
Signing off,
Posted by
5:10 PM
Labels: celebrity, entertainment, St. Louis
Afeni Suing Death Row Records

Usher's Wedding Canceled !
In an unexpected set of circumstances, the surprise wedding of Usher to his fiance Tameka Foster was canceled. Can you imagine paying all the vendors, inviting high-profile guests, only to cancel at the last-minute! Reports from various media outlets are speculating that Usher discovered certain things in Foster's past that were quite disturbing. Supposedly, Foster was an ex-con whose drug-dealing ex-lover had been gunned down. Damn, that's enough to think twice, to much drama. Also, there was some disagreements about the pre-nups. I'm not mad at you Usher, protect yourself, she was just your stylist! I'll keep you updated as things develop. YEAH!
Eddie Curry and Family Held at Gunpoint!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
11:38 AM
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Brangelina Making Plans for Germany
According to Britain's Daily Mirror, Brangelina is moving to Berlin, Germany to remove themselves from the spotlight. Apparently Brad is really concerned for Angie's health and he also wants his kids to have somewhat of a normal life and attend school in Europe. I thought Brad loved New Orleans and wanted to settle there because they treat them like normal people. I know everybody can change their minds, but they really need to settle fast. Those kids are going to be so jet-lagged, they'll be to tired to go to school. The two did say months ago that they were planning on retiring in a few years to concentrate on family, so maybe this is the first step. I think for the most part Angie will be the stay at home mom. I'm worried about her health too, did you see the bones protruding through her dress at the Ocean's Thirteen premier? Anywho, good luck to you Brangelina keeping the paparazzi away, they are in Europe too!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
4:52 PM
Labels: brangelina, celebrity, hollywood
Classic Wife Swap
Not my views... but this is classic wife swap, this woman is crazy. Please don't be offended!!!
Signing off,
Posted by
12:20 PM
Labels: entertainment, Extremist, reality tv, Religion
Ok so I have NEVER been a Britney Spears fan and I really don't want to blog this story but something tells me that this female has totally lost her mind. She has totally lost all control of her career and I think really doesn't care what happens to her or her 2 children. I know that you all have seen and heard about her behavior at the OK photo shoot, but the latest of her shenanigans is the firing of members of her entourage. It seems that anyone who is trying to "control" her (help) has been given their walking papers. Spears gave Shannon Funk the boot just three weeks after hiring her, the termination follows the recent axings of manager Larry Rudolph and the powerhouse public relations firm BWR. Spears' previous assistant, Alli Sims—who also happened to be her cousin—parted ways with the performer last month. And Spears has even sought to distance herself and her kids from her mother, Lynne. I mean what is is about being a star that drives people to such behavior. I'm not a celebrity, so I can't speak on how hard it is to be one, but dang man! I just hope and pray that her children are ok and she is not neglected or abusing them in any way. God Bless!
Posted by
9:19 AM
Labels: celebrity, disgrace, entertainment
Obama and Hilary Put the Gloves On!
Hilary and Obama aren't making nice. I watched the YouTube Debates on Monday and I must say they were really good, informative, and something fresh that attracted younger voters. Obama responded to a citizen about how he would deal with Iran, North Korea, and Syria. His response was to have a meeting that was open for all parties to discuss compromise. Immediately following, Hilary said on record that what Obama suggested was " irresponsible and naive". Obama came back with a left jab and said what is naive and irresponsible is approving a war without considering "how we were going to get out". I know how politics work and if you don't inform yourself, you can get loss in all the rhetoric. So, I suggest read up on the candidates votes in Congress and research a little deeper. You have to make a decision based on realism and not favoritism. I mean, just because you loved Bill doesn't mean you should vote for his wife. You have to think of who's the best person for the job, who's going to fix this mess that Bush is going to leave behind when he hibernates into the woods in Crawford, Texas! We aren't going to accomplish anything by having such division in Congress., it doesn't work anymore! We are at war and I don't care if you're Independent, Republican, Democrat, just come up with a plan to save this nation from becoming extinct!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
2:04 AM
Nike Suspends Vick's Contract Without Pay!
Man, talk about falling to your knees. Nike has suspended Vick's very generous contract without pay and Reebok has halted the sale of the No. 7 jerseys that were set to ship out. Basically, Vick is no longer on top and all the confidence in the world can't make you think everything is okay. The NFL is becoming one big eye sore. The Pacman Jones and Tank Johnson story are added ingredients to this mess stew! Unfortunately, Vick's behavior is inhumane and torturous where as Pacman and Tank are just stupid and ignorant! The Commish has really earned his money and training camp just started. I'm hoping that the new class drafted in 2006 will stay on track, being a native Houstonian, I'm pulling for Young to remain a class act. The allegations of Reggie's family taking money and gifts has taken a back seat to these other classless individuals. I just hope at the start of the season, things will be handled and the tailgate parties will begin!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
1:47 AM
Bonds Is One Away
Congrats goes out to Barry Bonds, he had a solo shot pass the 404 ft line in AT&T ballpark yesterday! His homer came in the first inning against pitcher, Rick Vanden Hurk. Bonds looked a 2-1 fastball right in between the eyes and powered it right past the pitchers and the players as they watched in a amazement. Yea, he's one away from Hank and I really want people to respect that. Barry was a sure Hall of Famer even before the allegations, so give him his due diligence.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Jennifer Hudson Is Doing Big Things!
It's so nice to see Jennifer Hudson, I think she really has staying power. She performed at an event honoring her mentor Clive Davis. He was awarded the Music Visionary of the Year honor. J HUD has been quite busy, she has a new movie coming out next year called Winged Creatures. She also has created her own perfume for Avon. She's definitely on the move, so make sure you can keep up!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
7:29 PM
Labels: American Idol News, celebrity, jhud, music
The Beckhams are the It Couple
David and Victoria were shopping in Beverly Hills yesterday and ran into the " Queen". The Becks have a lot to smile about these days. David has really revived ESPN ratings and although her show Coming to America didn't do so well, Posh will be guest starring on Ugly Betty this upcoming season. Posh, please give up the Spice Girl Tour, it will be more like the Golden Girls reunion.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
4:05 PM
Labels: celebrity, david beckham, hollywood, victoria beckham
Etta James Hospitalized
Singer of the 1961 song, At Last, was hospitalized for complications from abdominal surgery she had last month. She was listed in stable condition on Thursday, though she had to cancel upcoming tour dates with B.B. King and Al Green, her manager, Lupe De Leon, said in an e-mail. The Grammy Award-winning singer was "extremely disappointed" at having to cancel appearances. We will definitely keep Etta James in our prayers.
Posted by
3:37 PM
Video of the Day
This song will never get old
This is so scary!!
Big ups to my co-worker for showing me this!!!
Siging off,
Posted by
11:00 AM
Labels: entertainment, prison
Ian Johnson Has Hired Security
Boise, Idaho football star is receiving personal death threats. Ian Johnson proposed to his cheerleader girlfriend after he scored the winning 2-point conversion play to win the game. Johnson said he's hired security for their wedding because of those threats. I think this is sad, why must we keep limiting ourselves America. These two individuals love each other and they're willing to face the challenge ahead together! We must stop this nonsense, I'd rather a Black and White couple that are happy, than a Black or White couple that is miserable. I wish them prosperity, love, and happiness!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
6:47 AM
Brangelina Goes To the Bowling Alley
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
1:32 AM
Labels: brangelina, celebrity, france
Thursday, July 26, 2007
NASA In Hot Water Again!
NASA is really having a hard year! In a report, one astronaut was drunk before flying and another report found that a worker had sabotaged a computer set for delivery to the international space station. Wow, NASA is not looking so good! There has been nothing to smile about, the only headline news coming from the Space center is, an employee in diapers trying to kill another woman and the man that shot another employee and them himself, because he got a bad performance review. The government uses our taxes to support a program that is riddled with holes. They really need to re-evaluate there mission and come up with a plan on how they can alleviate all the problems that they've been facing.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
9:33 PM
The Next Host of The View Is.....
The picture above was taking months ago, so remove Rosie and put Whoopi, Sherry, or D-Lister Kathy and you have the next co-host of The View. I don't think adding a new host will increase the ratings! You're all getting old and it's showing, Elizabeth can get her own show with Ann Coulter and campaign for the Republicans and Barbara and Joy can crusade for senior benefits. Sorry if I'm being a little harsh, but it's not a good show anymore since Star left. Rosie was overbearing at times and the fights with Elizabeth were comical but distracting. The announcement should be coming soon. Barbara, I hear Paula Zahn needs a job!
Quick Update
Reports have surfaced that Whoopi and Sherry will be the new co-hosts of The View, even though ABC had no comments. I don't know if I can handle both of them. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm all about diversity but Whoopi and Sherry aren't a good combination.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
8:04 PM
Nicole Ritchie Will Finally Speak
Nicole Ritchie will sit down with Diane Sawyer next week in a 3 part segment that will start airing on August 2 on Good Morning America. I'm not really a fan of Nicole, but it's a site for everything including Hollywood, so I'm just reporting on this one. The only thing I can say is, while you're pregnant eat something, no vicodin, and no alcohol! Three little simple things that are required to have a healthy baby, after that you can continue being skeletor!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
7:57 PM
Labels: celebrity, hollywood, nicole ritchie
Video of the Day
Shout-out to my co-worker who brought back memories and I had to share. If you haven't seen Coming to America, please pick-up the DVD 19 years later.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
7:41 PM
Matt Is Jason Bourne and A Star
I'm such a Bourne fan, Damon is the bomb! I couldn't imagine anyone else playing this character, I'm so sad that this is the last installment of the franchise. In other news, Matt received the 2,343 star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Congratulations Matt and I'll miss you on the screen as Jason Bourne. Dang,now I'm getting all emotional, get me a tissue...
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
7:31 PM
Labels: bourne, hollywood, matt damon, movies
Oprah Is The $260 Million Woman!!

Tyra Is Moving To New York
The Tyra Show will be moving from Los Angeles to New York City. You might say that it's a move very unexpected, I mean why would she have to go elsewhere? Well, she's rumored to be romancing Wall Street tycoon, John Utendahl. I was wondering when Tyra was going to get a man, she's a beautiful woman minus the horrible hair weaves, so kudos to you Ty!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
5:27 PM
Vicks Goes to Court and Pleads Not Guilty
Lei Yixin Will Sculpt MLK Monument
Lei Yixin has been chosen to sculpt a stone monument of Martin Luther King Jr. This brings on some controversy of course. Originally, Ed Dwight who is also a sculptor and the first Black astronaut was passed over by the committee. Ed feels that he knows the reason why they chose Lei instead of himself. He said, " the backers of the King memorial told him they hoped the choice of a Chinese sculptor would persuade the Chinese government to give $25 million to the King memorial fund, which has a target of $100 million". When I first read this story, I was ready to get on my community for being upset at the decision of the committee, because we have no problems buying any clothes from China. Therefore, your outrage can't be justified, but once I researched more to get a better understanding, I stumbled on this article. It really doesn't surprise me that this happened, everything is about money! The priorities in this country is so twisted. I mean don't get me wrong Martin Luther King Jr. was a great man and it's an honor to go to Washington and see him etched in stone next to Lincoln, but why can't it be just about recognition of a great leader. Please notice that I said leader and not just Civil Rights, because he wanted equality and love for all colors and creeds, nothing was isolated in his mind. This is just my opinion on what my country should be about, but I'm not naive. I know that we play give and take, but I'm just using my Freedom of Speech.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
The Top Jobs For Parents
If you're a mother like myself, then you understand the value of free time. It's so important to keep that one on one contact with your children and teach them the necessary skills that are needed to survive in this world. Sometimes employers are not very understanding when your child is sick or had some form of disciplinary action against them, so here's a list that provides the top jobs for working parents.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
12:36 PM
Beyonce Falls Down In Orlando!
Beyonce falls down twelve steps at an Orlando Concert for her World Tour! She was performing " Ring the Alarm" in a trench coat and high heels when she fell. I admire anyone who can fall head first and then get up like nothing ever happened. She was swinging her hair around and stomping like she is a seasoned performer. I ain't mad at you girl, earn your money! If you click on the link, local 6 in Orlando has the exclusive footage of the fall. It's not very good quality, but you can definitely see the fall because they play it in slow motion over and over again. The funny part is, at the end of the concert she asked her fans not to post the video on You Tube. Sweetie, this day and age nobody really cares about your requests, it's the YouTube generation!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
8:47 AM
Myspace Deletes 29,000 Accounts
Myspace has canceled 29,000 accounts, because they discovered that these accounts belong to *** offenders! I was wondering when they were going to do something, how many stories have we heard of girls meeting these sickos on the site and then being kidnapped or *****! I guess they didn't want to face another lawsuit. The Internet is plagued with these disgusting animals and it's about time somebody starts caring about these young girls and boys instead of all the money their making from advertisements.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
8:42 AM
Video of the Day
Je signifie sérieusement du, pourquoi les joueurs sentent-ils que le besoin frappe ? N'est pas le $$$ de jouer de balle assez. Je suis si malade de ce désordre, le rap est un art pas une mine d'or.
If you want to translate here you go!!!
Signing off,
Posted by
8:19 AM
Labels: hip-hop, nba, tony parker
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Airport Security On High Alert for Terrorist Dry Runs!
Officials in Washington have put all security personnel on high alert for supposed terrorist dry runs. There were four curious seizures at four major airports ;Houston, Milwaukee, San Diego, and Baltimore. I live in Houston and I had know idea of this seizure and if they reported it, it was very brief and not repeated. In those seizures authorities recovered pipes, switches, tubes, cell phone components, and many more. The government sure knows how to play games. How come we weren't informed of this before, why does it take serious threats to make the American people aware of what's going on? They have no problem showing us coverage on the Iraq War and how many soldiers are being killed a day or the suicide bombers that attack mosques. The Taliban knows that we aren't focused on the right thing, that's why the failed test at La Guardia occurred. I mean wake up America, stop being naive! You have to demand more and stop living your life as if the U.S. government has your back, gain the knowledge, don't be in denial, and understand your right to know!! We can sleep on this one if we want to, think that the intelligence is vague and not substantial and we will have ourselves in the middle of 9/11 times two! I'm not at The Pentagon, so I can't claim to be an expert on anything, but I do remember that day and all I kept saying is, " please don't let this happen again and hunt down the muthas that did it"! Now, six years later Sadaam is dead, no "WMD" were found, and Osama is still making videotapes from his tree house! I will definitely keep you informed my fellow concerned citizens....
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
9:30 PM
Lindsay Lohan in Double Trouble
News Flash
Lindsay Lohan was arrested AGAIN early this morning for the same old thing! Police suspected her to be driving under the influence and was taken to the police station, once there they found some cocaine in her jean pocket. I guess that 45 day stint in rehab wasn't enough. Furthermore, did her bracelet go off to let someone know she was intoxicated? The trouble began when a frightened woman dialed 911 to report being chased by Lohan's black SUV. Lohan had a blood-alcohol level of between 0.12 and 0.13 percent when police found her about 1:30 a.m.
An addiction is a powerful thing, I hope that the judge isn't lenient on her just because she is a star. I think she really needs some more professional help. Where is her mother in all this, she seems to never be around when Linday is dealing with all these addictions. You can at least check the girl into a hospital, remember Girl Interrupted? She was probably getting some more collagen put in her lips or sniffing some blow just like her daughter.
Woman Assualted at Disney World Theme Park!
An Alabama woman found herself fighting at Walt Disney World instead of enjoying the fairytale rides in May. Victoria Walker accused Aimee Krause of cutting in line for the "Mad Tea Party" ride. Angered by this action Walker allegedly hit Krause several times in the head. Come on people, long lines, long wait, no need for cutting or violence!!!! Krause said she's suffered from seizures, memory loss and blurred vision since the May attack. Walker was allowed to return to her Alabama home following the incident, but a judge later issued a warrant for her arrest after hearing of the injuries. She was taken to an Orange County jail Tuesday and later bonded out.
See this is what I have been talking about for a long time, we can't go anywhere without there being some type of misunderstanding that leads to violence. I am so scared to do anything anymore. I mean did Walker take a moment to think what kind of affect her actions would have on the other children in the line and more importantly her own. I heard on the radio that the judge sentenced her to two years in jail on assault charges. Was it worth it? (and she still didn't get to ride the ride!!!) LOL!
Posted by
9:20 AM
Video of the Day
I know that this is an old video, but I had to put it on here, this is simply AMAZING!!!
And One!
Signing off,
Posted by
9:10 AM
Jermaine Dupri Hosts His Annual Summer Fest In The ATL
I'm working the night shift, so here's a little something. Jermaine Dupri hosted his annual Summer Fest this past weekend in the ATL. Jermaine is trying to redeem himself from last year's events, where his team lost. Nelly, who aspired to play basketball in his earlier years takes any chance he can get to show his skills on the court, hence the appearances at the MTV basketball tourneys and the NBA All-Star Celebrity games. So we shall see who one that battle, I should have an update on who won tomorrow.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
1:57 AM
Labels: atl, hip-hop, summerfest
Monday, July 23, 2007
Drew Carey Will Replace Barker
Drew Carey will be the new face of the longest running game show on television. That's right boys and girls, the game show that your grandmother watched before Young and the Restless everyday, The Price Is Right! I personally don't think that it's a good choice. I mean if you're going to pick a person to replace Bob Barker then at least make it somewhat familiar. Bob Barker has a regal look, well until he was 70, but I speak for most when I say that the gray hair makes a difference. I for sure thought that George Hamilton would be a better selection, but I'm not his agent, so maybe he was making a Love at First Bite Part Deux! I think he needs to stick to shows that are more comical and less contestant based. However, he's hosting a new prime-time game show that will be airing on CBS, The Power of Ten. So, we'll just have to see what happens, but if most of you are at school, work, or just watching Tyra instead then disregard the aforementioned statement.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
10:18 PM
Labels: drew carey, game show, variety
Becks Party In Downtown Los Angeles
I've been a little M.I.A. since my last post, but work can have you going in circles sometimes. I really couldn't wait to get home and blog! It's really becoming a second job and can you say, addictive! I just want to give kudos to myself, because I was one of the first blogs to post about the Becks party ( 7/19). If I'm wrong then let me know and crush my feelings in the process! Well, here's a collage of pics from the oh so glamorous event... Is it just me or does Tom Cruise really look weird? I know age can set in and acting jobs stop, but don't let your wife out do you Tom! Also attending the party was good girl gone bad Rihanna and bonafide bad girl Lil Kim. Lindsay and her monitor attended the party as well. If only I was a little famous, maybe I'll become a valet girl or a door opener. Hey, that's how most of them got started! Here's more pics for your viewing pleasure.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
7:16 PM
Labels: celebrity, david beckham, hollywood, victoria beckham, will smith
Sunday, July 22, 2007
A-Rod Unveils His New Book
You can now add author to the long list of accomplishments for A-Rod. He was at FAO Schwartz this past week promoting his new children's book " Out of the Ballpark" with his wife and little girl, Natasha. His wife is still sticking by him after the scandal with him and a stripper a couple of months ago, show your support girl! Anywho, 15% of all the sales at the event will be donated to the AROD Family Foundation. The Yankees still aren't going to the playoffs, but way to go A.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
8:42 PM
In Hot Mess News, Lil Flip Arrested!
Wesley Weston was charged with credit card fraud and turned himself into HPD on Saturday. I don't know how true this is, but a source claims that the card was used for gas, misc items, clothing, and Internet activities. I try my best not to put anything on this site, but factual information. I live in Houston and I've never been a fan, the music here is a little to slowed down for my taste, but he's very popular with the kids, so my opinion doesn't matter. He was released on 2,000 bond. Also let me just say that, Quanell X is the Al Sharpton of Houston, you only see him out when a story is in the news!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
3:10 PM
Gisele Turns 27 and She Isn't Happy!
These two don't look so happy! Gisele turned 27 this past Friday and what she expected to be a party-filled, extravagant gift day, turned out to be baby mama drama! See, Brady's ex Bridgette Moynahan was due to give birth the same day, so it was less celebration and more waiting for the arrival of his newborn. My thing is Gisele is acting like she had no clue that the baby was due around this time. If you were going to get selfish and upset then you should have just stayed away. Gisele is the highest paid supermodel, raking in 33 million a year, that alone would take my worries away, so girl just chill out and support the man! Now we'll have to see if he's a stand-up father that will spend quality time with his son or be wrapped up in Gisele's bosom.
Reggie Bush and David Beckham
Sorry guys, I'm not trying to overload you with the Beck mania, but it's some really good videos on the Tube. I really love this video, watching them switch the roles for a few is pretty cool.
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
3:45 AM
Labels: david beckham, mls, nfl, reggie bush
A Funny Video of David Beckham
I found this video on you tube and it's really funny, so check it out. Also, I watched the football game tonight and the celebs came out like a drone of bees! Jennifer Love Hewitt, The Governator, Katie, Eva Parker, and many more. The individual that was in the boxes up top really shocked me, because the talks between the Lakers and Timberwolves had supposedly died, well I beg to differ. I may be wrong, but why in the hell would K.G. come all the way from Minnesota to watch Becks, did he even know him before he came to the states? I have to admit the media frenzy was over-hyped. It's really funny, because it's nothing knew to David, so he probably finds it comical. The whole Beckham cam that watched every move and breath David took was very much over the top! Drew Carey really is a fan, he has season tickets to the L.A. Galaxy every year, so it wasn't anything special, he was more interested in what was going on down below than talking with some inside reporter.
Please stop judging Posh and Becks, I know she seems a little snooty and private, but I don't blame her. The media coverage over here is a lot different than Europe. They were the Brangelina of England, so to come to the city of angels, you have to be guarded. The happy couple have a lot of charities that they support, really support! They're not fronting like most celebs do, red carpet appearances, paint the town blue, and head to the hills. I always give props to celebs that are helping out our children. So keep up the good work, Becks!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
2:48 AM
Labels: celebrity, david beckham, hollywood, mls
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Tammy Faye Messner Loses Battle With Cancer
Tammy Faye Messner died at her home on Friday. She was diagnosed with colon cancer in 1996 and recently it spread to her lungs. There was a private ceremony held on Saturday. Tammy Faye was by the side of criminal evangelist Jim Bakker in the late 80's when he went to jail for his numerous crimes. You may also remember Baker was on the Surreal Life with Vanilla Ice and crew and by the way that show was a complete circus, I don't know why they keeping renewing that show! I want to send my condolences, because she did seem like a decent and kind individual. It's important women that we get yearly check-ups, so that we can get a early diagnosis if treatment is needed and can have a longer and healthier life!
Posted by
Ms. Scorpia
8:49 PM